(Updated April 2021) NOTE: Due to Covid-19, some events may be subject to change * MAY 2019 - MAY 13th 2021 *ART SHOW Relative Art Show ~ continues! (Columbus, IN.) * MAY 7th - May 28 *ART SHOW "Felines and Canines" Group Show, Speck Gallery (Indianapolis, IN) * August 25th *ART EVENT Atomic Sketch (One of the Featured Artists for the night!) Green Eye Lounge (Chicago, IL.) * SEPT 10-12 *CONVENTION HORRORHOUND WEEKEND(Cincinnati, OH) * SEPT 16-19 *CONVENTION GENCON (Indianapolis, IN) * OCT 1-3 *CONVENTION CANCELLED (Due to my own scheduling conflict) Fright Night Film Fest (Louisville, KY) * October 22nd *ART SHOW "Dawn of the Dark Art Society" The first official D.A.S. Members Exhibit, Curated by Manhands Dan Kelley, Empowered by Chet Zar. Original Artworks By D.A.S. Members from Across the Globe. Skull and Snake Tattoo Studio Art Gallery, 50 Elm Street, North Berwick Maine. unless otherwise noted. I am planning on being open through summer at least: Studio S-09 upstairs by the gallery! Address: 1125 E. Brookside Ave. Indianapolis IN. 46202 Time: Generally 6-9pm * APRIL 2nd * MAY 7th * JUNE 4th * JULY 2nd * AUGUST 6th THE STUDIO IS NOW CLOSED Due to relocation to Chicago! Stay tuned while Lydia rearranges Life! * MORE EVENTS WILL BE POSTED AS THEY ARE ADDED TO THE SCHEDULE * If you would like me to attend your event, please contact me ~ lydiaburris(at)gmail.com Join My Mailing List *Sign up Here!!* |
NEVER BLINK: * I was part of the creative team for the movie "NEVER BLINK". (I worked on prop creation and set design) NEVER BLINK Facebook Page -----> LINK <----- * I was accepted into the art annual "Infected by art" volume 9! Check out their website ---->HERE. Ivy Tech: * Painting I and II * Jockamos Upper Crust Pizza ~ Irvington, Indianapolis location. Website: LINK * I MOVED TO CHICAGO IN JUNE 2021! * I worked during the rest of the summer as a DECK HAND at ISLAND PARTY BOAT! All previous years listed on the main CURRENT YEAR page HERE. |