* March 24-26 * CONVENTION HORRORHOUND Weekend One of the best Horror Conventions out there! Sharonville Convention Center, Cincinatti, OH. ~~ LINK ~~ * July 6th - August 19th * ART SHOW FLAVA FRESH XIX, show #1 A group show displaying fresh contemporary art! I have been a part of this annual show for many years, and I am honored to be invited back for XIX! I will have 1 piece in this show. Indianapolis Arts Garden, Indianapolis, IN. * August 4th - 7th * CONVENTION GENCON One of the biggest gaming conventions in the world! I'll be there with my art! Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN. ~~ LINK ~~ * Sept 7th 2022 - Jan 24th 2023* ART SHOW FLAVA FRESH XIX, Show #2 A group show displaying fresh contemporary art! I will have 2 pieces in this show. College Avenue Library, Indianapolis, IN. * Sept. 9th - 11th * CONVENTION HORRORHOUND One of the best Horror Conventions out there! I'll be vending there with some of my Chicago buddies, Thee Bluebeard and Lady G Curiosity Sharonville Convention Center, Cincinatti, OH. ~~ LINK ~~ *Nov. 1st - Dec 19th* ART SHOW FLAVA FRESH XIX Reception Nov. 1st, 5-9pm. A group show displaying fresh contemporary art! I will have 8-10 pieces in this show. The Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis, IN. * NOV. 12th * ART EVENT Deja Vu Art and Fine Craft Show Featuring professional artists, this is an annual art and fine craft show held at The Commons Mall in Columbus Indiana. LOCATION: 300 Washington Street, Columbus, IN ~~ LINK ~~ *OPEN STUDIO DATES* My Studio will be open at the Zhou B art center, Studio 314, Chicago, IL. Every 3rd Friday till the end of the year! * OCTOBER 21st * NOVEMBER 18th * DECEMBER 16th * MORE EVENTS WILL BE POSTED AS THEY ARE ADDED TO THE SCHEDULE * If you would like me to attend your event, please contact me ~ lydiaburris(at)gmail.com Join My Mailing List *Sign up Here!!* |
* Continuing to enjoy living in CHICAGO (moved in June 2021) * Summer 2022: I worked as a deckhand again! I acquired an art studio space in October at the Zhou B art center! Studio 314. (6 month lease, until March 2023) All previous years listed on the main CURRENT YEAR page HERE. |