(Updated November 2023)

***2023 AT A GLANCE:***

* JAN - MARCH *OPEN STUDIO ~~~~~ Third Fridays: LYDIA'S ZHOU B STUDIO is OPEN through MARCH, Chicago, IL.

* MARCH 24-26 *CONVENTION ~~~~~ Horrorhound Weekend - Cincinnati, OH.

* June 26 - Aug 27 *ART SHOW ~~~~~ FLAVA FRESH XX series #1/4 - Indianapolis Arts Garden, Indianapolis, IN.

* July 22 *ART SHOW ~~~~~ "ABSURDITY: In Dada we Trust" at the Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL.

* AUGUST 3-6 *CONVENTION ~~~~~ GEN CON - Indianapolis, IN.

* AUGUST 18-20 *CONVENTION ~~~~~ Horrorhound Weekend and Mask Fest - Indianapolis, IN.

* SEPTEMBER 8th *ART SHOW ~~~~~ "DREAMERS and SEEKERS" solo show at the District Theater in Indianapolis, IN! (Art up through August and September.)

* September 22 *ART SHOW ~~~~~ FLAVA FRESH XX series #2/4 - at the Sullivan Munce Art Center at Zionsville, IN. (Show on Display Sept 7-Nov 2)

* October 21st *ART SHOW ~~~~~ "SPOOKY SHOW" - at the Wayward Arts Gallery, Chicago, IL.

* October 27th *ART SHOW ~~~~~ FLAVA FRESH XX series #3/4 - at the North College Library Branch in Indianapolis IN. (Art on display September 5 - Januart 2024.)

* October 27th *ART SHOW ~~~~~ FLAVA FRESH XX series #4/4 - at the IUPUI Cultural Arts Center in Indianapolis IN. (Art on display November 1st - Nov. 27th)

* November 25th *ART EVENT ~~~~~ The Wayward Arts Wonderful Wonder's Market - Chicago, IL.

* December 2nd *ART SHOW ~~~~~ Small Works Member Show at the Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL.


Horrorhound Weekend Cinci
I will have my booth at Horrorhound, bringing dark art originals, prints, and potions!
Cincinnati, OH.
~~ LINK ~~

* June 26 - Aug 27 * ART SHOW
FLAVA FRESH XX series #1/4 - Indianapolis Arts Garden
A group show of fresh work by various artists, held at the Beautiful Indianapolis Arts Garden downtown.

* July 22 * ART SHOW
"ABSURDITY: In Dada We Trust" - Woman Made Gallery
When the world goes mad, the arts go Dada. In the U.S. and across the globe, bullies have been applauded and emboldened to share the self-serving rhetoric of nationalism and to act out sanctioned racism. Women's rights are being set back 50 years, and the LGBTQIA+ community is dangling by a thread as individual rights are regulated but assault weapons are not. Social media has hijacked the news, and the term "alternative facts" has become the norm, no longer just the brunt of jokes. For artists, it is a clear call to look to the past for guidance and to take a stand. How? In a word: Dadaism. Created as a reaction to the absurdity of war and the propaganda of World War I, Dadaism was the reaction of a group of artists from another time in history when the world was on the brink of madness. That is why Woman Made Gallery is joining this collaboration in building a creative coalition for fighting back against the current trend toward insanity.
The Woman Made Gallery - Chicago, IL.
~~ LINK ~~

The BEST four days of Gaming! I will have a large booth next to the art area, look for booth 743! I will be bringing original art, prints, potions and glorious miscellany!
The Indiana Convention Center
~~ LINK ~~

Horrorhound Weekend and Mask Fest
I will have my booth at Horrorhound, bringing dark art originals, prints, and potions!
At the Indiana Convention Center

~~ LINK ~~

"DREAMERS and SEEKERS" solo show
I will have a solo showing of my art at the District theater through August and September. It will be up during the FRINGE FESTIVAL! Sept. 8th is the RECEPTION event! There will also be a poetry reading!
The District Theatre - 627 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis, IN

* September 22nd * ART SHOW
FLAVA FRESH XX series #2/4 - Sullivan Munce
A group show of fresh work by various artists, held at the Sullivan Munce Art Center in Zionsville, IN. The reception is September 22nd, but the work is on display from Sept 7th - November 2nd.

* October 21st * ART SHOW
SPOOKY SHOW at the Wayward Arts Gallery in Chicagon IL.
Come one, come all! Join in a night of spookiness. Spooky Show is a group exhibition celebrating the dark arts. Hosted by Brit Fröst and Wayward Arts Gallery.
1770 W BERTEAU AVE, STE 506, CHICAGO, IL, 60613
~~ LINK ~~

* Oct 27 * ART SHOW
FLAVA FRESH XX series #3/4
A group show of fresh work by various artists, held at the North College Library Branch in Indianapolis, IN. The award ceremony and reception is Oct 27th. Artwork will be on view from Sept 7 - Jan 2024 (tbd).

* November 1st * ART SHOW
FLAVA FRESH XX series #4/4
A group show of fresh work by various artists, held at the IUPUI Cultural Arts Center in Indianapolis, IN. (Art on display November 1st - Nov. 27th)

* November 25th * ART EVENT
The Wayward Arts Wonderful Wonder's Market
A one-day popup market on Small Business Saturday with some of the artists and makers from the Wayward Arts community.
11am - 6pm, 1770 W BERTEAU AVE, STE 506, CHICAGO, IL, 60613
~~ LINK ~~

* December 2nd * ART SHOW
Small Works Members Show
CHICAGO Woman Made Gallery (WMG) is proud to present its annual Small Works Members Show, juried by WMG's Program Committee. One hundred twenty-one WMG member artists are exhibiting small works (up to 20 inches in length or width) in a variety of mediums, including painting, sculpture, mixed-media, printmaking, fiber, and photography. All artworks are for sale, with prices up to $400.
ON VIEW: December 2-23, 2023
CLOSING RECEPTION: Saturday, December 23, 2-4 PM CST
NEW LOCATION: 1332 S. Halsted St. in Chicago,
~~ LINK ~~

My Studio will be open at the Zhou B art center, Studio 314, Chicago, IL.
Every 3rd Friday through March
* JANUARY 20th
* MARCH 17th


If you would like me to attend your event, please contact me ~ lydiaburris(at)

Join My Mailing List
*Sign up Here!!*



* I was accepted into the art annual "Infected by art" volume 11!
Check out their website ---->HERE.

*Issue 3 of Darkness Dreaming was released in August!

Check out the Darkness Dreaming website ---> HERE <---

All previous years listed on the main CURRENT YEAR page HERE.

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